Saturday, January 31, 2009

Paintings and Art

All of the time that I've spending thinking and researching Indian paintings and art has made me want to create some art or a painting of my own.  I decided to not be too picky about what type or anything and just let my creativity flow.  I've been addicted to Astarte's Mega-Zine.  I can't even explain how cool all of the issues are.  For those of you who don't know Astarte's Mega-Zine is an online magazine is stuffed full of art tips and information about art and paintings.  You can check them out here or click the image at the bottom.  I have found all of their issues to be really helpful.  Right now I don't think I'm good enough to post pictures of any of my attempts at Indian painting and arts, but maybe soon.  I would definitely recommend you check out Astarte's Mega-Zine, its very inexpensive and definitely full of lots of helpful things and a great deal.  I can't want for the next issue.

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